Tag Archives: well-being

Workplace Stress – Causes & Treatment [Infographic]

It’s no surprise that our jobs can be stressful, but ignoring that stress and what it does to you is a one-way ticket to both physical and mental health problems. Thankfully, not all is lost, and there are plenty of ways to handle workplace stress that can take the edge off. Here’s what we mean.


Why Work Stresses Us Out (and What We Can Do About It)

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Posted by on September 15, 2014 in 2014, Infographic, Lifestyle


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5 Foods To Boost Your Brain Power

Eating doesn’t only lighten your mood and strengthen your muscles but it can also boost your brain and improve your cognitive performance. Adding brain-friendly foods to your diet can sharpen your thinking, clear your memory, and help you learn new skills faster. These brain foods are known for increasing blood flow throughout the body, meaning your brain and your heart can benefit from these healthy snacks as well. So start eating smart by incorporating these power foods into your regular menu.

1. Curry

Not only does this spicy dish clear your sinuses but it can also clear out your brain. Turmeric, the fiery spice that makes curry that yellow-hot colour, is also responsible for clearing plaque out of your brain. Amyloid plaques, the protein buildups thought to be responsible for causing Alzheimer’s in some patients, affect the physical structure of the brain tissue and can disrupt brain function depending on how rampant the buildup is. By eating curry, you can break down the plaque buildup and keep your brain refreshed and functioning.

2. Sage

If you’ve ever used sage to add to your soup or salad dressing, you know how fragrantly wonderful this herb smells. But did you know that sage also has anti-inflammatory qualities that can help enhance your memory and improve your overall brain health? Sage has been shown to improve memory recall. Sage is also an incredibly versatile herb, which you can to add flavour to hearty soups, create sage butter sauces, and even make into ice cream.

3. Berries

Blueberries are among the most essential foods when it comes to boosting your brain power, but strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries all come with their own health-related perks. Studies have shown that cranberries can help patients revive brain functioning after mild to moderate strokes. Strawberries work to counteract age-related cognitive decline, and raspberries are rich in fibre to help strengthen the brain, reduce cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure. In fact, all berries are stock full of antioxidants, and recent studies are finding that these antioxidants can actually improve communication between neurons in the brain.

4. Beets

The betalains in the beet are what give them the juicy, purple colour, but for your body, these nutrients act as detoxifiers and anti-inflammatories. Beets are also rich in natural nitrates that can work to improve memory and cognitive functioning. The nitrates help dilate your blood vessels, increasing blood flow to your brain in order to help you improve your memory retention. Beets are some of the most diverse vegetables in the food pyramid. You can pair them with other veggies by adding them in your salads or bulk up your fruit smoothies by blending them into the mix. If memory loss is one of your major health concerns, eat more beets and other foods that will work to strengthen your memory.


5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are excellent for your brain health, primarily because they contain lycopene and beta-carotene. They are antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals, which are the main cause of inflammation in your brain and occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s. If you don’t like eating tomatoes on their own, try cooking tomato soup or slow-cooked tomato sauce to get your healthy dose of antioxidants.   While these top five foods will boost your brain power and cognitive performance, it is important to discuss with your doctor what kind of dietary changes are most healthy for you. If you have existing heart conditions, cognitive disorders, or mood disorders, some of these power foods can cause complications. Eat smart by researching which foods are best for your diet and how you can boost your cognitive functioning in the healthiest way possible.

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Posted by on September 9, 2014 in 2014, Lifestyle


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Home Remedies For Treating Liver Disease

What Is Liver Disease?

Any disturbances in liver function that can lead to an illness of a person is known as liver disease. The liver is the organ responsible for a number of critical functions in the body. When they get injured or diseased it will affect the proper functioning of the body. Liver disease is otherwise known as hepatic disease. The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar, fat and iron. It produces bile which helps in fat digestion. It is also involved in protein production and the production of blood clotting factors. Symptoms of liver diseases include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, yellow discoloration of the skin known as Jaundice etc. It requires more than 75% of the liver tissues to be damaged to affect the function of the liver. The liver can easily regenerate the damaged cells but if more and 75% of the cells are lost, it may not be able to meet the needs of the body. Some liver problems can be treated with home remedies. Some may require medication and liver failure may require liver transplant.

Home Remedies To Treat Liver Disease

1. Milk Thistle

This herb is effective for a wide variety of liver diseases. There are evidences suggesting that this remedy is beneficial for viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, the toxicity caused by chemicals, mushrooms etc.

  • Take 900 milligrams of this remedy twice a day at mealtimes.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

This remedy helps to detoxify the liver. If taken before meals, it will help in metabolizing fat easily

  • Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water
  • Add one teaspoon of honey to this mix
  • Drink this mixture three times a day to cleanse the liver.

3. Dandelion Root Tea

This remedy helps to promote healthy liver function Make tea using the dandelion root powder available in a food store Take this remedy at least twice daily to get benefited by it. You can also boil a small amount of roots in a glass of water and drink this.

4. Amla Or Indian Gooseberry

This is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and it helps to keep the liver function at optimal level. Studies have proved that amla has liver-protective functions.

  • You can eat 4-5 raw amlas a day
  • Instead you can use them in salads or grate them and eat with curd and salt.

Home Remedies For Liver

5. Licorice

This is an excellent remedy for non-alcoholic fatty liver conditions. This remedy is used in Ayurvedic preparations to cure liver ailments.

  • Powder the licorice root
  • Make a tea by pouring boiling water into the powder
  • Keep it for a few minutes and strain the liquid
  • Consume this tea once or twice a day.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic properties and also acts as an antioxidant. They can improve the liver health considerably. The antiviral action of turmeric prevents the multiplication of viruses causing hepatitis B and C

  • Include turmeric in your cooking
  • You can mix ½ tsp turmeric with milk and drink it every day
  • You can take half teaspoon turmeric mixed with 1 teaspoonful of honey everyday.

7. Flax Seeds

The liver removes the hormones which are circulating in the blood. This causes strain for the liver. The phytoconstituents in flax seeds prevents the hormones from circulating in the blood and reduces the strain on the liver.

  • Use whole or crushed flax seeds on your toast or salads.
  • You can also use them along with your cereals.

8. Papaya Fruit

Papaya fruit is an effective remedy for liver cirrhosis. This is one of the safest natural remedy for liver disease.

  • Add half teaspoon of lemon juice to two teaspoons of papaya juice and consume it every day
  • Take this mixture for three-four weeks to completely cure the problem.

9. Spinach And Carrot Juice

This home remedy is also effective for liver cirrhosis

  • Mix half glass of spinach juice and half glass of carrot juice
  • Drink this natural juice every day for at least for three hours

10. Avoid Alcohol

  • If you want to keep your liver healthy avoid taking alcohol. Alcohol puts strain on the liver.

11. Avocados And Walnuts

If you want to protect your liver from diseases include avocados and walnuts in your diet.

  • The glutathione present in avocados and walnut cleanses the toxins deposited in the liver

12. Apples And Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables stimulate the flow of bile and pectin present in the apple remove toxins from the digestive tract. This will help to protect the liver.

13. Drink Fluoride Free Water

Drink plenty of fluoride free water. Water helps to cleanse your system.

  • Drink 10-12 glass of water daily to keep your liver healthy and free from toxins.

14. Exercise

Regular exercise stimulates the proper digestion of food and the elimination of fat from the body. Exercise increases sweating which helps to remove the toxins through the skin. This relieves the strain on the liver.

  • At least 40 minutes of exercise for 5 days of the week is necessary to get the benefits.

15. Green Tea

This is an excellent remedy for liver problems. Green tea contains high amount of catechins which supports the liver functions.

  • Drink 3-4 cups of green tea every day to get relief from liver disease and to protect your liver.

Apart from these remedies, avoid the use of cigarettes and the excess use of iron supplements, if you want to protect your liver from diseases.

Are you suffering from any kind of liver diseases? Are you looking for the home remedies to clear the toxins from the liver which are affecting the functioning of this organ? If you feel that your liver diseases is not a severe problem which requires immediate medical attention, you can opt for any of the above given home remedies. Not all home remedies work similarly for everyone, so by trial and error find out which one is effective for you.

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Posted by on September 5, 2014 in 2014, Lifestyle


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Your Emotions Can Hurt Your Heart

Exercise helps ease depression and protect your heart

Recent findings from two studies strengthen the evidence linking depression and heart disease. Researchers also found that patients who were physically inactive were more likely to experience depression than those who exercised regularly.

Physical activity is a key factor in fighting both depression and heart disease. It also helps patients better prepare for heart surgery and recover more quickly afterward.

The evidence suggests that exercise is one of the most powerful tools in lessening the mental and physical effects of heart disease as well as being one of the most basic tactics for controlling depression.

Norway study: Depression raises heart risk

In an 11-year study, Norwegian researchers followed the health history of 63,000 subjects. The study found that moderate to severe depression raised subjects’ risk of heart failure by 40 percent. The researchers presented the findings at EuroHeartCare, the annual meeting of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Though scientists aren’t sure exactly why depression greatly increases risk for your heart, they theorize that the stress that often accompanies depression increases inflammation in the body. Inflammation can lead to atherosclerosis, or clogging of the arteries, and cardiovascular disease.

A depressed person might also have more difficulty in taking important medications and following medical instructions consistently, such as working to improve diet and exercise.

Canadian study links inactivity, depression in heart patients

The second study, Impact of Physical Activity on Depression After Cardiac Surgery (IPAD-CS) published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, studied possible factors that cause depression in 40 percent of patients who undergo cardiac surgery.

Researchers assessed 436 patients and found that those who were physically inactive before surgery were twice as likely to have symptoms of depression before undergoing heart procedures.

Lack of physical activity contributed to increased risk for new depression six months after surgery and stress also increased risk for depression following surgery.

Conclusions and limits

Both studies found strong associations between lack of physical exercise, depression and heart disease but neither proved any cause and effect.

No one knows if depression leads to physical inactivity, or if physical inactivity leads to depression, but it is clear that physical activity helps mediate both anxiety and depression, and that it improves quality of life for heart patients.

Heightened awareness on depression

The American Heart Association (AHA) released an updated statement in 2014 strengthening an earlier statement that said people with depression fare worse after an acute heart event. The AHA went further, saying that depression should be officially considered a risk factor for people with acute coronary syndrome.

Breaking an unhealthy cycle

Depression, inactivity and heart disease form an unhealthy alliance — a heart-toxic cycle that merits intervention and more study.

Leo Pozuelo, MD, Section Head of Consultation Psychiatry at Cleveland Clinic, studies the mind-heart connection. “Patients should take stock of their emotional well being. If you have had previous signs of depression, or if new ones develop, make sure you talk with your doctor,” he says.

Dr. Pozuelo adds that you should also watch out for other types of mental health conditions. “Anxiety can also be cardio-toxic, so it is important to learn how to deal with stress. The things that improve your heart health, such as a healthy diet and exercise, are also great for helping reduce anxiety, so you can accomplish two goals with one wellness initiative,” he says.

Physical activity plan is best

An organized rehab program helps heart patients even more than informal exercise. Recently, Medicare acknowledged rehab’s benefits by expanding its coverage of services to include a larger pool of cardiac patients. Talk with your physician to find out which program best fits your needs.


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Posted by on August 27, 2014 in 2014, Lifestyle


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22 Facts About Sleep That Will Surprise You [Infographic]

We spend about one-third of our time on Planet Earth asleep. That’s about 16 hours a night as infants, 9 hours as teens and 7 to 8 hours as adults. Until 25 years ago, scientists knew little about this nighttime habit of ours.

Experts had shared curious and fantastic facts about Sleep. Have a look at this infographic.

Discover curious facts about sleep, insomnia, sleep apnea and other disorders affecting human beings and the animal kingdom, now and in earlier centuries. Infographic on HealthHub from Cleveland Clinic


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